Thursday, February 14, 2008

True Love

“Nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord.” (Romans 8:39)

Today is valentines day, a day set aside to show loved ones how you feel. It is fun, and good, and it helps us remember that we should show each other our love.

God's love never changes and absolutely nothing in ALL creation can ever separate us from God's love! NOTHING! With us, we aren't perfect like God so we have things separate us every day. Look at racial problems. People are separated because they look different. People are separated because of social differences. Any difference at all separates humans. Even down to day-today relations, we battle separation. In marriage or friendships we hurt each other and that brings separation. (Hopefully temporary at least) But with God NOTHING separates us from His love. How do we see this love? The scripture says it is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord. What greater love? He being perfect died to redeem us from our sins. We have so much to learn about true love. I for one have a looonnnggg way to go before I even start to move in that direction, but I want to learn.

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