Friday, January 18, 2013

BOOK REVIEW: Silent Night

Silent Night 
A Rock Harbor Christmas Novella

I was given a digital copy of this book to review, and honestly I couldn't put it down! Silent Night is a heart-warming story about a couple , Bree and Kade, recovering from the loss of their unborn child. They are preparing for the arrival of family for Christmas when Lauri, Kade's sister, unexpectedly arrives on their doorstep.

Bree, the wife, own a search and rescue dog Samson. Secretive and withdrawn, Lauri seems curiously intent on discovering what happened to a parachuter who disappeared in the North Woods along Lake Superior's icy shore. As Bree and Samson, her search-and-rescue dog, plunge into the search, Bree wonders if Lauri may know more than she’s admitted about the parachuter. And then the clues lead them to the trail of a young woman whose family fears the worst about her disappearance.

Colleen Coble masterfully weaves an engaging story line with endearing characters. I found myself in tears at times, hurting with and also rejoicing with the characters in the book. There were twists and turns in the plot that were pleasantly unexpected. I thought it was very engaging and fun to read, but the ending left me feeling that this was an unfinished book. Overall I would definitely recommend this book to anyone, and I will definately want to read more of Ms. Cobles' work!

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